Thursday, June 4, 2020

Title IX Paper Topics For Parents

Title IX Paper Topics For ParentsTitle IX is a federal law that was enacted in 1972. The purpose of the law is to encourage the participation of women in higher education. Unfortunately, there are so many Title IX lawsuits which have been filed by women who were victims of sexual assault on campus that the Department of Education has gotten very restrictive about how the law can be enforced. It seems as if every time they try to enforce the law, the situation gets worse.The latest Title IX ruling that was released is even more absurd because it now says that the school has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a man sexually assaulted a woman before they can prove gender discrimination. How ridiculous is that?Some people argue that because women are now less likely to go to trial for their rape cases, the system is inherently unfair to men. Other people argue that these lawsuits are designed to protect the schools from serious problems in the real world. Unfortunately, it is imposs ible to know which is true.What can we do about the horrible Title IX schools that have created such a problem in our education system? Well, there are several things you can do and a few things you can not do as a parent or guardian. Let's discuss each of them.First, you should encourage your son or daughter to go to school and then to stay out of the educational institutions that you do not want them to attend. You do not have to stay at home and completely support them. However, you must speak up and ask them to attend college campuses that you want them to go to.Second, if you do not live in one of the states where colleges are prohibited from admitting any male students, then you must also take responsibility for your sons or daughters' educational experiences. Ask them if they can attend one of thevery few colleges that allow male students. Otherwise, you should be working with them and their college to find a school that you believe will be more beneficial to their education. Third, if you are a single mom or single dad, you must look for your son or daughter's educational experiences in places where these Title IX college campuses do not usually operate. If you do not find any, then you must look at the online schools that are offering programs that are not being offered by the schools in your area.Education is very important and it is something that many people try to get away from when it comes to working their way through life. If you have a child who is going to college, help them and make sure that they are getting the best education that they can.

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